Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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Ok so let's start the promise. 

First stop. December-January Holiday weeks (or should be Holiday weeks). December 24 -January 2. were supposed to be Holidays but I'm off to work at those times. What motivated me on those times was the fact that it's double pay and we get 30% night differentials and holiday leaves (talk about money!) at that time. Even if it's the first time that I'm not spending the Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve at home, it's still fun having it spent on the office. I made sure that on both 12AM's of the eves, I went down to look at the midnight sky and pray. Woo yeah, new experience indeed.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Bad

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I know.. I started this blog with the full intention of telling about the whatevers and the what-nots of my everyday life. But the thing is, with my PC breaking down before 2008 ended, it affected my whole online life. But this time, I really do promise and hope at the same time to make a very detailed blog post (or posts) about everything that happened since late December to this month of April.

I miss my blog, the blogs of others and the wonderful ideas everyone has on their posts. Huhu...

Hopefully I can still catch up.

MOTIVATION! Ideas, come here!
