And here I am, so tired from all the busy-ness of my job. Now being active in this athleticism.
(Ok, Kat, here's the rant you've been waiting for! :p)
First, last June was my last month taking in calls inbound for Dell SMB Voice.
There came a time when there's a major "rigodon" or reshuffling of team compositions all over the program.
I was a bit surprised because it was a bit dramatic. STL Alain gave me a special coaching just for that.
He said it's going to be different. I thought I was just going to be transferred to a new Team Leader.
The moment he opened his mouth and said, "It's going to be different." I knew it. He said, "Chat."
And then my jaw dropped.
"Woah?! CHAT?! Why Chat?!"
And he explained to me that one of the Shift Manager picked me to be transferred to Dell SMB Chat. It's another part of our technical support team that handles troubleshooting through what else, chat.
And the week after I got my 2-3 days training. Sunday after that I found myself in the 7PM-4AM shift with my new TL - Tony Magsino.
Well, at first I was just having a so-and-so time because I really didn't feel about being in Chat and all that.
First month, I told myself, I'm not going to perform good here. I'm going to make them realize I deserve to be in Voice. My ACHT (Average Chat Handling Time) blows up to around 38-50+ Minutes. My CE is not bad, however, that's something I am proud of.
The first three weeks (supposed to be two only) I am only receiving 1 chat session. Fourth week, that's when I realized the true essence of chat that is receiving two chat sessions at a time.
When it came to my first coaching with TL Tony, he said I'm having good stats, it's normal that my ACHT is high because it's definitely easier to express yourself in words speaking it, than typing them.
He also left me a scary-but-with-a-good-intention message, "Chat will never let you go".
Great, that's just what I needed, compliment with a bittersweet effect.
The week after, I was surprised because we all received an email from TL Tony that our team's going to be disbanded (another team transfer, again?!). Me, Yani and Bryan are going to be transferred to TL Dona Aquino's team.
By July 2nd week (I think) I'm collaborating with my new teammates, Rhea being the closest because I've known her by Yani and we all get to smoke some cigarettes together.
TL Dona was quite interesting, she's been an L2 before and "some-kinda-low-profile". I know her name has been spammed a couple of times all over the floor but I've never known her personally.
Our L2's kinda strict, I remember my first day on the team (or was it 2nd?) I am LATE (haha! attitude!), she immediately commented something about it. So my first impression was that - we're not gonna jive.
But time came and everyday seeing each other was fun. I get to meet all these different faces that I wouldn't have noticed roaming the floor even at random times.
There's the "martyr" Rhea, accepting all chat sessions as much as she can and stresses out herself with late logging (which I adopted these days :p);
Mommy Olive, very nice, always fixes the resolution of her screen to 800x600 (^_^);
Denise, I've known her thru Jeni, my former Team Alain teammate, sossy with brains;
Bryan, from TL Tony's team, the "sleeping Giant" as how I call him, a lot of brains inside the big "husky" bod;
JP, timid guy with a very white complexion :);
Mico, joker of sorts, but soloist at times, along with
Charm, team "maldita" who prefers to sit on workstations at the end;
Marilyn, the girl who always stutter and I think her middle name's Nervous;
Lenny, with an employee number that is close to TL Dona, one of the resident tenured agents on the team.
and of course, Edel, Team D's very interesting "good boy" that disappears as soon as our shift ends. :)
It's been almost 4 months now that I've been with the Team. 1 GA has passed (Hello Gilligan's Lunch) and now on the 17th we're expecting our 2nd (or my second with the team).
I had a lot of good experiences, equivalently some bad ones on my stay on the team. I was awarded two months in a row with "Top Agent" of Team D for July and August. Hopefully this Septembr I'm still THAT. So that I can prove to everybody that I deserved to be awarded as SMB's Chat Agent of Q2 (which I forgot to mention I was awarded last August) and ultimately, Chat's Top Agent of Q3 as well. Vying for promotion (and it's about time!), I really think I deserve that. :)
I'm thinking of not coming to Bacolod anymore for that. Jello started a trip for me, Marvs, Let, and a friend of hers this October 14-18. But 3 events are expected to happen within that time period. Damn. And the trip included.
The other two were our Team GA and my volleyball elimination round for the eTel Team (my next topic, :p)
I was ecstatic when I saw an email one day in September about some tryouts for volleyball. Weird thing is, it's going to be held on Ateneo Sports Complex. Well, basing it from my current location in Alabang, I turned it down that week.
The week after, another email was sent for second callout for tryouts, this time in eTel Shaw.
And that's it. It's decided. I'm going.
Hesitant about how to get there, I gathered all possible directions from both my Mom and from some people on the floor. And Sunday came, I just found myself showing how I spike a ball in the center spot.
Luckily, I got picked. These past 3 weeks, I'm training along with other peeps from different eTel sites. And by 17 and 24 Oct, our game's going to be held at UP Kinetics Gym. Hopefully our team wins.
So there, my mind's boggled right now with my 3 days off. Cannot think of anything else to say.
Ah, eTel's integration to Stream, but that's another post. :)