The schedule that was assigned to us for a 4-week time has come to its last week. I remember I was just very excited (as always) because it was fun starting the shift with the calls not that much queuing but it ends up queuing. But what's good about it is that I get to see most molino's on the floor before we get out. (^_^)
That week, I got engaged on a LOT of drinking sessions along with my teammates Weng, Loki, Elai, Honeylet, Bhuds, Marvs, Jane and Tom. It was almost every after shift. Weng usually initiates the invite, and most of us follows. What can I do, it's fun hanging out and having some drinks after a tedious day at work.
By the end of that week, PAY DAY!
STL Alain prepared a get-together party for the whole team on Friday at the Dampa Seafood Restaurants near the Mall of Asia. Specifically, the restaurant's name is Trinity Seafood House, I think. Since we all came from our shifts in the morning, I went to sleep and rested up to the afternoon. I went to the F Salon to get my hair colored again (brown with lighter higlights than last time). I spent about 2 hours plus and went straight home to refresh and get dressed for the event.
At the salon
I arrived at the front of the office building and met my other teammates as well as STL Alain. I rode along Jeni's car and we drove all the way to the restaurant. It was a hell of a ride, we were talking about everything under the sun and got to the Dampa later than everybody.
When we got there, I found Lyka, our teammate who just bore her first child earlier that week, grace the event. She came along with TL Mel, her partner. The food was awesome, the ambiance was so superb. Everyone definitely enjoyed the event. I think we were about 20 there. We even have leftovers because of the overflowing amount of seafood ordered! (^_^)
Along with some of my teammates
The table

Eat up, guys!


Lyka, Me and Jewel



Marvs, Me, Elai and Jeni
The feast didn't end that evening. It was continued at Tagaytay, which I will be posting on the next post.
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