The last day of this week ending for us (Friday) was all I could ever imagined it would be. Being the only Sales Coach around from 11pm - 8am (and mind you, it's not the time I really log out), it was me against the whole floor along with TL BJ. We answered inquiries, helped agents, gave spiffs, did floor walk and everything that would make the last day of our historical week active.
Team D's GA was scheduled that day as well. After the über exhausting day of roaming around the Matrix floor, it was a relief to look forward to an enjoyable event afterwards.
I immediately went home (or not that immediate, coz it was around 10am already), tried to take a nap from 12pm - 2pm then prepared to go back to the office (which was our meeting place).
I arrived last and I got on TL Dona's car along with Saif, Dad and TL's bf. When we got to the gasoline station near our office, we met up with Cris' car, with Edel, BJ, Daigan and Ced on board. We bought some ice and we spent some time figuring out how to carry the weight of the whole group without making Cris' car suffer. :)
Then, a funny thing happened. A beggar (well, I'm not judgemental, but you can identify one once you see one, right?), ok, a poor woman, suddenly went inside Cris' car as we got out off it. Edel was the only one left inside and timingly we were shocked and did nothing but watch her get inside and sat beside Edel. TL Dona's bf had the urge to pull her out of the car and warned her not to act like that. I felt sorry for the woman who was barefoot with signs of miles of distances walked by her feet.
We trudged along Las Piñas and Cavite borders until we arrived at Lenny's friend's resort - Villa Alberto. It was a fun ride filled with laughter and background music inspired by BJ's iPod ("Better Days"?! "Endless Love"?!) Gosh.
The resort was awesome. Even though it was a public resort, the venue was kept from the hustle and bustle if the streets. It was dramatically lit, much like a Spa Resort with Bamboo cottages.
Here's one snapshot we took (and I'm not THAT visible here. :p)
From bottom-left: Saif, Cris, PJ, TL Dona, Lenny, Ced and Edel
I was too busy singing at the videoke and here's an evidence:
or too busy posing with Edel. :)
There are a lot of food served (well, mainly because it was potluck), we brought most of the food:
There's FISH!
Thanks to our Grillmasters! :p
And here's what's left? :)
We also played along with some shots taken. :) emo-ing!
and went crazy like in a Drama series: :p
Did I say I was busy posing with Edel?
And munching on food...
And speaking of shots, here's what made the night more enjoyable:
And of course, the POOL!
From 2AM onwards, Ann and I just went on and sang our hearts out on the videoke.
Here I am busy picking the next song...
Ann, TL Dona and Me
But BJ suddenly stepped up and sat beside me all the way and sang his heart out too! Made the night more interesting hearing him sing. Gave me some good chuckles and made me forget about something I was thinking that night.
Yeah, he sings really good...
Before we went home, we took some more shots from the walkway:
PJ with his bodyguards :)
And off we left...
1 comment:
I sooo love that day. :)
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