Feeling kind of confident with the application I did with Teletech, I was kind of just taking it nice and slow and went on to take my "out-of-the-office" status more seriously. I went to a lot of night outs (those budget night outs where you don't need to spend much) and play volleyball and check out my online accounts Facebook and Twitter on a daily basis.
Come Monday, Nov 14, I received a call from Sitel. It's one of the options I have as the first two applications I did were for agent positions but Sitel is needing a Sales Coach for their HP Account. Being a former Sales Coach for Dell, I already had my edge on this. So the initial interview happened and they scheduled me for an interview at 11:30 PM Tuesday night. Venue: Sitel Boni Pioneer, Cybergate Plaza.
To tell you honestly, I didn't know the place and it took me too long to get there. Of course, given that I was a bit excited I was kinda earlier than the prescribed schedule.
I entered the building and I can't help but compare again the environment to my previous call center:
Building's just fine. 12-storey and I have to be at the 12th floor.
There's a line at the elevators. Pfft. They're kinda smaller too.
Anyways, I went up and was impressed with their security level, not to mention they have a couple of cute security guards (why are you security guards?!). I got directed to the lobby and waited along with the other applicants (mixture of TL and agent applicants).
End of story..
Well, not actually.
The reason why I said that is because what happened there is that I JUST WAITED. Nothing else. No interview, no show-up from the interviewer. No message on what I'm going to expect. I was so disappointed with the first impression they're giving me about their recruiting process.
I went home after waiting for 4 hours of no show-up from the interviewer. I specifically told the receptionist to inform the interviewer that I was waiting from 11:30 - 3:30 AM for him.
After two days, they called.
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