Week ending: Oct. 5 - Oct. 11
- Sunday - Today I had the most number of calls received. My internal Average Handling Time (iAHT) dropped to only about 22 minutes! I handled about 18 calls today, they just seem to pour on me. I think about a quarter of them were transfers, and some others are expired warranties.
After the shift, we all got ready to go to Pansol as today was also our team's General Assembly (a swimming party). I rode Dad's van along with Elai, Bhudz, Honeylet, Mira and Weng onwards to Pansol, but we went first to the South Supermarket where we spent about 1 1/2 hours shopping for food and ingredients!
We arrived at Laguna at about 7 pm already (or was it 8pm?). Everybody who's already there seems to be enjoying themselves very well. Songs can be heard from the videoke coming from the drinking sessions already started as well. I got dressed and impressed everyone with the length of my shorts. And it was really short. Haha. And of course, there began the swimming, drinking, singing, picture-taking and all that. We had dinner and man, was Dad an awesome cook! The food was magnificent. I got drowsy by 11pm and went to take a nap. When I woke up (about 12:15am), some of my teammates were talking about me. I probed further and discovered that pictures were taken when I was asleep! Anyway, the pics were not that harsh... haha. I continued the drinking sessions along with Honeylet, Rose and Leops. We went to sleep at about 1 am already.
- Monday - We all woke up about 6am in the morning and had our awesome breakfast. We reminisced the things that happened last night. Of course, every thing has to end so we all prepared going home. I still rode on Dad's van along with Bhudz, Elai, Ian, Pam, Weng, Honeylet and Mira going home. They dropped me at Northgate and I went straight home. As soon as I arrived home, I went straight to my PC and surfed as much as can. Until I felt sleepy and went straight to sleep after taking a bath.
- Tuesday - Rest day still. But I think what I just did today was to play my computer games (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Version) and check on my online accounts. Nothing much.
- Wednesday - Back to my working shift. My calls today were great, I think I was able to handle 14. My AHT for today was about 25mins. Not bad. I also received my Dell T-Shirt today. I am most proud of getting that one 'coz in my opinion, it shows that you belong to the Dell SMB Queue, hahaha. (^_^)
- Thursday - Not a great day of handling calls, though I wore my Dell Shirt today and everyone else noticed it. My calls today were about 8 only. I didn't like it that much. It was more on OSRI (Operating System Re-Installation), which usually takes about an hour or so.
- Friday - Good thing it's dress-down today. I was able to wear my 'now'-favorite first hooded jacket. It was quite fun today. It was like queuing, which is weird for morning shifters. My first call was the most interesting because the customer was literally crying and I did all that I can to calm her up, of course with the help of escalation thru Dad.
It rained very hard today, and little do I know that classes were suspended until I heard it from the news later in the evening.
- Saturday - I woke up kinda late today. It was about 5am already and my shift starts at 6:30am! I quickly took a bath, got dressed, ate about 2 sandwich slices, then rushed to the end of our village. Good thing I arrived 15 minutes earlier than 6:30am. I then went on and handled calls throughout the day. I had the funniest day in the floor today. Everyone of us were joking on each other. I was even the object of some jokes at some point. Jewel was being kinda harsh-joking-sarcastic-funny at the same time. Marvin, as usual, sent my picture all over my wave-mates' emails. I got 12 calls today and 1 OSRI which was about to continue even after my shift but I got an adlib and went on finishing the call in 26 minutes.