As soon as I had my breakfast, I went straight to my computer and surfed the net to no limits. I checked on every online accounts I do check everyday as well as my inbox on our office outlook. I indulged myself into playing AdventureQuest and DragonFable because Mom left the house in the morning, and of course, no one would stop me. Haha...
I am very much disappointed, however, on my cellphone, actually to the Sun Cellular Network. My cellphone was able to receive like all of the messages sent to me but surprisingly cannot send any message nor make even a single phone call. It will automatically say failed, or drop the call when in fact it has a full bar of signal! That's awfully weird. I just loaded my cellphone prepaid last Sunday and since then I wasn't able to send messages like normally. I think it has something to do with my previous loads getting stacked up to each other (and I now have 198 minutes of free calls!) and maybe Sun doesn't permit things like that to happen. But why would they disrupt the signal just because of that? Is it bad to NOT use up the free calls? Then why did the thing like that "free call stacking up" happening? Abnormally weird. Very weird.
Anyway, Mom arrived in the afternoon, just in time for me to take a bath and good thing I just turned off the computer and she didn't notice it. She brought us some afternoon snacks and man, were they soo yummy. They were rice cakes and I love these kind of food. One is "nilupak" - cassava rice cake, and the other one is "puto bumbong" - coconut rice cake. I gobbled up as much as I could before taking a bath.
Also, before going to the shower, I noticed there was a big zit on my face that is very much noticeable. I hated it. I hope by the end of the week this will be gone already. Owww, if only I could afford my own dermatologist.
I washed my clothes after and yeah, it took me up to 11pm to finish all of my dirty clothes in the hamper. I then remembered it was soo two weeks ago since I last washed my clothes so it got piled up just like that. I still had my PC on for the time being I'm washing - addict!
Meanwhile, the highlight of my day was when Mom finally decided to give me the new cellphone she bought from my sister's friend (actually I'm going to buy it from her, haha). It was a Metallic Green Samsung E250 Phone. Here's how it looks like:
I've always wanted to change my almost-primitive Nokia phone. But the good thing I loved about it was how fast it can send messages. I've always utilized the features of that Nokia (I don't remember the model, it's colored, but no camera) and kept it handy most of the times. But now, time to change, here comes my new phone. Haha, hopefully I can utilize the features too, I've already configured the settings and copied the contacts on my phone book. Nice look, sleek and stylish. I think I'm going to stick to this for quite some time.
Well, gotta go. It's work again tomorrow. Early at 6:30am. Don't want to be late.
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