Thursday, October 9, 2008

been busy the past few days... part 2

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The week after TQ was nothing more but nerve-wracking and exciting rolled into one. I don’t know about my TQ-mates but I am definitely enjoying myself adapting to the technician world of Dell SMB.

Week ending: September 21 - 27

- It’s the first week of our full deployment to the Operations Floor. Sunday I had a shift right away, along with Choi and Matt. Mommy A, I believe, also had at 6pm that day. Since I came from work directly from a party, I was a bit groggy but I think I did well. My first call I remember, is to perform a dispatch to a Canadian caller. Good thing, Marvin was able to help me thru email (coz I was about to continue with the dispatch!) and said that I need to transfer the caller to the Canada queue. STL Alain Guinmapang introduced me to the whole team and they introduced themselves one by one to me. I also experienced one on one talk with STL and he introduced himself as well.

- The following days were quite fun. I'm on the stage of adapting. I'm starting to get acquainted to everyone on the team. I'm always askig questions to Christian as well as Jewel. But at times to Jomel as well. Of course to Marvin if I got a chance. STL's being very nice and guides me through all the walkthroughs that I'm ever going to need. CC Nowell Macatangay's started a discussion about case ownership as well. RS Rommel Capati (we call him Dad) also helps me at times.

- They were all talking about the swimming for next week. I'm also excited for that one as it is our Team's General Assembly. The other days were just work, work, work.

- Prospect's been showing up on my way very much on this week. Nice inspiration for the start of my regular shift week. (^_^)


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