2nd week of regular shift.
Week ending : Sept. 28 - Oct. 4
- Sunday - end of my shift for the week. My schedule's Wednesday to Sunday. I'm quite getting the hang of everything. I'm enjoying every moment of every calls I'm handling.
- Monday - Rest Day. Just stayed at home and went online because my internet's ok again. Now I am able to check up everyday on my online accounts. Great.
- Tuesday - Pay Day. Had my haircut early in the morning and withdrew my salary after that. It's a bit back to how much it was when I had my first payout. I went to PLM and gave my teammates a treat to McDonald's after a bit of volleyball playing. I then went along with Jay-R to James' house for Mr.Gamus' birthday celebration. It was sooo much fun! I wasted like about 2k that night. But anyway, I had a blast from drinking along with my former classmates and friends. Paul was even there who came a bit late about 2 hours before I went home (3 kisses to Paul! Mwah, mwah mwah! (^_^).
- Wednesday - After going straight home from partying and drinking, I didn't have a time for a nap so I went straight to work. It was nice and ok, had some nice bonding along with my new found smoke-mates with the team.
-Thursday - I can now send spam messages to the team. Everyone's entertaining what I am saying on my messages during the shift. It's dress-down day today because of the Signal #1 raised on Manila so STL advised us on what to wear thru a text message sent yesterday.
- Friday - Longest AHT (Average Handling Time) I think I got was today because I did like two OSRI (Operating System Re-Installation) to two callers. I'm calling them back again and again and the total inbound calls I got today was only about 8 calls!
- Saturday - COMMENDATION! I was just handling my calls that day when suddenly Marvin stepped up behind me and told me that one of the callers that I helped yesterday (Sheng Zhang) gave me a commendation after Marvin finished the call for me! It was a very nice feeling excpet that the announcement sent to the whole floor was with my ID picture taken las July when I was still in training and I was stll looking "lousy"! Hated it. But anyway, it's nice to be commended. I was there very much excited to take in phone calls.
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