It could not get any better. First day, I met up with all of my teammates and we were all 'somehow' exhausted since we're doing 8 days of work straight with no rest days due to our schedule shifting from 6:30am-3:30pm TO 6:30pm-3:30am. It's all work up to Thursday that week. Calls here and there, break, lunch, break. The perks. But all throughout the week, I am very much satisfied with my performance when it comes to my metrics.. My iAHT dropped to about 23minutes only! (^_^)
Sunday, we met up with our newest team member - Jennyllyn Codilla. She just passed the TQ and she was assigned on our team. She's quite a pretty lass, nice looks, and quite sossy. She was introduced to the team and we got some bonding times with each other at times (especially when we're having some smokes :p ). I believe she also got the immunity from team penalties for two weeks for being the newest member, which I got when I was the new one.
About Tuesday that week, TL and the others talked about getting some drinks during shift since it's not queuing and there is a hig level of avail (or available agents on the floor). Everyone was encouraged by Loki, one of my teammates to do an ATO (or early leave since there are no calls) and there we went. The next minute, I just found myself drinking along with my teammates and having some fun at Molokai, a drinking spot somewhere in the Alabang beer gardens :) . There we got some good laughs and jokes placed on the sides.
Thursday was the last day of the week for our schedule and our mini team Poison Ivy was still pursuing to get some sales and luckily we tied up with our closest mini team competitor, the team Sephiroth. When the sales were measured by close rate, we won by 10% to 6% (^_^). After shift, we got engaged once again on a drinking session at Molokai which Weng was the chief initiator. He treated us on 3 rounds of beer along with Elai, Tom, Pam, Jane, and Honeylet. We went home at about 6am in the morning already.
Overall, it was a fun, productive week. I was very much enjoying handling and transferring calls. Starfish was right, I'm getting quite busy that I might need to slow down. As long as I'm not stressed, I think I can handle myself. (^_^) Thanks for the reminder though.
And Lhandz, yeah, it's the best shift ever. No calls for about 1 hour in betweens. But as soon as 9-10pm comes, there the calls downpour.
haha! you're funny, blogging while at work! lol... anyways, you need to slow down, too much work and no fun is not good for you :)
i like your shift!!!
namimiss ko na mag lean shift para naman matapos ko na yung story na ginagawa ko..
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